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adopting a second cat


We have a one year old cat we adopted from the local shelter.  She has been spayed.  We would like to adopt a second cat or kitten.  What would the best age for the two to get along and should we adopt a male or female?

Thank you for your help

Hi Judi.  The sex does not matter as long as both are neutered.  If the new cat isn't neutered yet, I would sort of suggest getting a male, as I find unspayed females can be a little...moody with other cats.

The age does matter, though.  It's usually easiest to bring a cat who's younger and smaller into the household.  This way, the resident cat doesn't feel as threatened.  And a younger cat is generally more adaptable than an older cat.  

I would try to stick with a kitty from kitten to young adult, and make sure if you do go with an adult, it doesn't outweigh her by much!

Try to look for compatible personalities.  If your kitty is very playful and outgoing, a kitten may be good.  If she's a little shy and reserved, a kitten may be overbearing to her, and a sweet, gentle adult cat may be the way to go.

Make sure to provide them each with separate belongings (food bowls, litter box, beds, toys) and give them each one-on-one attention to minimize jealousy and territorial behavior.