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my cats behavior..


ok so i have an 8 month old female kitten. i've had her since she was 4 weeks old. when we got her, she had fleas severely.. now she is rid of them! although there are a few things i'm worried about.. she has loss of hair between her eyes and ears, she has had a "pouch" hanging under her stomach for about 2 months now.. and she has been making these loud whinny-like noises at night time.. i'm concerned but i dont know if there is anything serious enough to take her to the vet. please help!


It sounds as if your kitten is in season, so it is time to get her spayed.

The "fat bag" is because she is eating too much, so you may want to cut down her food.

If the hair between her eyes and ears is not growing back, you can have your vet check it out when you take her in to be spayed.

Best regards... Norm.