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Cat Mats


Hi there

I have 2 persians.  One loves being goomed.  The other is ok with a brush but not a comb and he has accumulated 2 large matts by his arms!  This has happened on and off for a while.  I have taken him to the vet to be sedated before a couple of times and also to professional groomers.  Both have pros and cons.  While with the groomers (I,ve had two as moved house/county) he can get a little frightened and although can't meow he calls out until he knows he is safe, then feels better immediately afterwards.  The sedation at the vet takes a while to wear off but means less stress.  What would you recommend generally?  

Hello Lucy,
Not every groomer is a 'cat groomer', consequently, not as comfortable grooming cats, as one who is experienced and works well with cats. There are actually very few of us who regularly groom kitties.  You might want to call around and check with private grooming shops in your area.  Once you find a groomer who is comfortable with your cat, and that your cat seems comfortable with, then it is a far better thing to take him regularly to the groomer.  A little 'cat calling' while stressed, is alot better and safer than using sedation and other tranquillizers.  This can prove very taxing on the cats' system over the long run. If this were my kitty, I would use the vet as only a last ditch effort to get him groomed.  The natural approach is always best for everyone involved.  Hope this has been helpful to you, and thank you for your inquiry and your support of this site.
Thank you