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Cat sneezing


Hi I have a 4 year old kitty who suddenly started sneezing excessively in the span of 24 hours.  He has clear eyes but rubs his face very hard .We fear he was exposed to a type of bug poison or at least ate a bug that was poisoned we are unsure what is causing the sneezing and would like to know what you think?

Hello Ann,
I would guess that you are correct about your cat sneezing from the bug poision. There are many causes for cat sneezes, but the most common are upper respiratory infections, allergies, and reactions to chemical. The first thing to do would be to bring your cat to the vet. A veterinarian will likely be able to properly diagnose the problem, the severity, and give any medicine your cat will need. If you have the bug poison that you believe your cat was exposed to, make sure your veterinarian knows what it is. Sneezing from chemicals is a normal reaction for cats, and generally it should stop within a day or two. However, because it has been going on for over a day, a veterinarian is the most important person to see at this point.

I wish you and your cat the best of luck, and I hope he recovers soon!