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Skitzo 4year old gray tabby...


My cat named Moses has been with since he was about 12 weeks old. He is now 4. Recently my other cat of 13 years died in his sleep suddenly. The death of my older cat has only enhanced his already timid, scared of his own shadow ways. He is a great cat and has never bitten anyone, however he hisses whenever anyone enters the area he is in and cry's so bad that it sounds like he's dyeing. My question is: How do I cope with and/or change him into a happy, unafraid cat? He has always been this way and it has only gotten worse (expected) with the loss of his pal. He views me as someone that has come to kill him. He is always eager to get away as fast as possible whenever I try to console or be nice to him. What should I do?


I would ignore Moses.  He is dealing with his own separation anxiety and needs to work his way through it.  This usually only takes a couple of weeks, but, since he has other issues, it may take longer.

So, do not approach him, do not try to pick him up.  Make pretend he does not exist unless he comes over for attention.  If it is his idea, it will go much better.  If he comes to you and demands to be petted, go ahead and gently pet him, do not try to pick him up, do not surround him or try to contain him in any way.

If he does not come around, there is not much you can do.  However, often cats do want to be with people, but on their own terms.  You will need much patience and perseverance to do this.  Give him as long as it takes, days, weeks, or maybe even months.

If everyone in the household does this, there is a good chance he will come out of his shell.

Good luck and best regards... Norm.