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New Cat Rarely Drinkin His Water


We just recently adopted a kitten of 13 weeks and have been feeding him the wet meow mix market selects. He rarely ever drinks his water I have next to his food. It's straight from a bottle and I put fresh water in everyday... sometimes twice hoping maybe he will drink more. How much water should he be drinking?

Hi Jerimiah,

Cats don't have a big thirst drive. Cats get a lot of their water from food. He should be getting some wet food along with the dry. With my cats I add an extra Tbs. of water to the wet food so that they get extra water.
Cats fed on dry food alone have a tendency to get Urinary Tract Disease more than cats who eat wet and dry. He should be drinking at least 3-4 times during the day. I hope this helps. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen