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Male Himalayan cats butt


Greetings Mr Norman Auspitz! - We have brother & sister Himalayans - They are both full grown adults and moved to La Crosse, WI, approximately one year ago - They are well adjusted but skittish and very nocturnal - The male recently developed sores on the haunch of his butt adjacent to his sphincter - They do seem to be less irritated when I noticed them five days ago - They are on a regular diet of Science Diet - And, the 9:30 PM Wiska "cookie" treat - He eats nothing out of the ordinary except the occasional tiny scrap of turkey sandwich meat or lick of a tiny piece of steak and the twice a week feed of canned soft food Purina Friskies - They sit on hard wood floors (which could be cleaned, so no recent cleaning solutions), and throw rugs (which are washed regularly due to hair) - And of course, they sit on standard furniture like cushioned dining room chairs and sofa - The only recent change is a rather small area rug (which they roll on to loosen their hair) - It is a seasonal/Christmas rug which currently has pine needles in it from a Christmas tree - Otherwise, nothing really out of the ordinary - He recently has been circling & sitting back on a haunch to lick at or near the sore area - What might you think could cause this? - And, do you have any suggestions for a cure?

Thank you! - Steve


He could have worms or impacted anal glands or, possibly, even something else?.  A quick visit to the vet should enable you to get a good diagnosis and a proper treatment for whatever the problem actually turns out to be.

Best regards... Norm.