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Older Cat Howling


I have a 20 year old cat that howls off and on all day and night.  I have taken her to the vet and had blood work done and they can not find anything wrong with her all her organs are functioning properly and she does not have arthritis.  I am wondering if you have any idea why she is doing this and any suggestions on how to get her to stop at night.  She is keeping the whole house awake.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Congratulations on your cat reaching the 20 year mark, you MUST be doing something right!!!!!  

At age 20, your cat is considered very geriatric.  I wonder if the explanation may be something as simple as hearing loss???????  Other than that, I am afraid I am at a loss to explain the howling.  As for getting her to stop, I do not think there is much you can do.  I know it sounds flippant, and I do not mean to be, but have you considered ear plugs?  The kind the airlines use for overseas trips are very comfortable.

Best regards... Norm.