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Cat has changed


My Family has had this cat "Angel" Since it was a kitten, we raised it and cared for it with all of our hearts, shes about 1 years old now and things have gone weird. My Uncle has passed recently and after the funeral my cat has been acting weird, she hissed at my mum randomly we just thought that it was because she shooed away a cat that was outside. Last week my cat decided she hates me and hissed at me like i was an enemy and that i posed a threat to her, my family and i were just sitting in the lounge room and suddenly she hisses at me, i don't think she recognizes me anymore.

Is their anyway that i can get her back to the happy, playful kitten or is she doomed to hate me.


These are always difficult to answer. So, the first question I have is: Is she spayed? Sometimes hormonal changes in a whole cat can cause behavioral changes.

Next, have you had her to the vet to check for any health issues, for example her hormone levels, her thyroid levels and the like.  A cat in discomfort can often exhibit these kinds of behavioral changes.

If there is a strange cat hanging around outside that she can see, this could upset her and also explain these behavioral issues, especially if she is not spayed. If she is seeing a strange cat, her fight/fright/flight reactions may be activated and, under these circumstances, she could easily exhibit these behaviors. In these cases, sometimes putting the cat in an interior room (no windows) for a time out for a few hours might help quite a bit.

It could be that the funeral is coincidence or something happened that day to upset your cat.

Until you get to the root cause of the behaviors, it is hard to know what to do.

Please let me know what you find out.

Best regards... Norm.