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How do cats show love?


Hi. I hope this doesn't sound like a silly question, but how do you know if your cat loves you? How do cats typically show affection/love to their owners? Thanks.

Hi Dee Dee,

This is a controversial subject, actually! Since science will never be able to prove that cats love in the same way that humans do, there are those who reject the idea that cats are capable of feeling emotions similar to love. However, those of us who have bonded with a cat or have spent time observing them raising their own families will generally agree that cats most certainly do feel love.

The best way we have to determine that our cats are showing us affection is to look at how they bond with one another. When they also treat us with those bonding behaviors, it makes sense that they are accepting us as their family and treating us with love. Some behaviors include grooming us, sleeping next to us (or on us), rubbing up against us or pressing their heads to us. If your cat goes outdoors, even bringing a mouse or bird to your doorstep can be a sign of affection. It's like providing for the family.

Hope that helps!
