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Need to get rid of cat.


Indoor declawed..tempted to take to the pound if there is no charge to drop off..I need to know how to MAKE my cat runaway. Any ideas? I hate the stupid thing! I told my sister I would keep it for her when she moved out of I'm regretting it!  What are the chances that a 1 year old cat will run away if I let it outside and it's never been outside before?  If the chance is high..i might consider it.

you may hate the cat but if you don't want it any more simply drop it off at an animla shelter and tell your sister it ran away. It is very un kind to try and force the cat to run away and live rough, it can get hurt, ill or find it difficult to find food. It is very easy just to drop the cat off at a animla shelter where it can be found a new home.
It probably wouldn't run away if you left it outside.
