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Kitten death


Hi, My neighbor has 3 inside kittens 4 weeks old. Mother cat is indoor, outdoor. Kitten seemed fine until yesterday afternoon, then crying loudly, stumbling, and shaking. It appeared thin to me. Neighbor bought milk replacer and it latched onto nipple greedily, but dint get milk. I layed it on my arm and it bit me. We got a couple of drops of milk it her, but within 5 minutes she died. I am concerned now about the bite. The mama cat is fine as are the other 2 kittens. My male, who is now neutered is the father and is current on all his shots including rabies. Should I be concerned?

Hi Carole,

I'm sorry it took so long to answer. My computer broke. Were the kittens kept outside? Were there any rabid animals around? What area of the states do you live in? Is it an area were Rabies is prevalent? If there were no rabid animals and the kits are inside, I wouldn't worry. If you wish you can call your local health department and voice your concerns to them. I know it is scary but you shouldn't have anything to worry about. Same thing happened to me a while back. It freaks you out. If your answers to those questions show that you don't have anything to worry about, then don't. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen