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Bed Wetting


Dear Norman,

I rescued a 18 month neutered male  Bengal cat in September 06, I already have a one year old male Bengal & a ten year old male siamese. (both netured)

Mika is still extremley nervous cat, the all get along quiet nicely he tends to keep himself to himself but he never really seems happy he always seems stressed.

I come in today to find him asleep on his bed and he had opened his bowels on the bed and it was also soaked in urnie.

The cats do not use a litter tray and have access outside via cat flap, they make such a mess with the tray that it really does suit me best that they continue to go outside.  This has never been a problem before but I am concerned that he would do this to his bed, he does not share his bed with the other two.

Do you have any idea why he would do this


Is your 18 month old neutered? If not, that would be the first order of business.

Cats have inappropriate bathroom habits for either physical or behavioral reasons.  It is also unusual for a cat to do both urination and bowel movement in the same "wrong" place and then sleep near it.  It sounds to me as if something happened that caused him a great deal of stress.  I would have him checked out physically and, if this is a one time happening not worry about it.  If the behavior persists, you can get a Feliway diffuser for your bed room, which may help.  Also, make sure you clean the area with an enzyme based cleaner specifically for pet stains and pet odors, available at pet supermarkets or farm stores.

You might also want to look at the series of articles pointed to by the
below link which address litter box problems in cats.

Good luck and best regards... Norm.