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Biting cat


I have an outdoor/indoor tabby.  He wandering into the yard 5 years ago as a very young kitten.  Occasionally he will just walk up and bite and/or scratch me around my ankle.  Sometimes he does this when I'm standing at the bus stop with my daughter.  This morning it was when I let him in.  It almost always happens after he does a few "figure 8's" between my feet.  When he wants to be petted, I pet him so I can't figure him out.  
Thanks, Tanya


Sounds to me like a behavior that he developed as a kitten that really isn't that cute anymore. I would suggest that you tone the level of excitement down for him, try not to allow him to do the figure 8s that get him so riled up that he bites. To me it almost sounds like a play/prey behavior that was allowed to get out of hand. Maybe a good solid dose of play will help using interactive toys like teases and kitten mittens that allow your kitty to play rough with you without hurting you. If this doesn't work you may want to contact your vet and ask what options he/she feels that there are, because I am reluctant to suggest the usual behavior modification tools for fear that he will think that you are telling him to go away. Hopefully just the play that focuses on your kitty's intense prey drive will help, but if it doesn't you may need the help of your vet or even a behaviorist. Hopefully this answers your question and offers some insight into the behavior. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again.