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Younger males tormenting oler female


Alright, so here's my story.  I have a 12 year old female cat, Sissy.  She can be a bit testy from time to time, but in general is a sweet kitty.  Ok, so about 2 years ago I surprised my husband with a kitten.  A little male, about 8 weeks old, whom we named Titus.  Sissy didn't particularly like him, but she didn't hate him.  She'd give him his space when he wanted to play and once he'd worn himself down, they'd curl up together and go to sleep.  So several months go by, about 8 and we end up getting another male kitten, Cloud.  Things appear to be going smoothly.  Everyone's getting along.  Then we move.  We buy a house and move out of our apartment.  And suddenly things turn ugly.  At first, it appears as though Titus and Cloud are trying to rough house with Sissy and she's just being stuck up.  But as the months go on, the fighting gets worse.  Finally, I no longer see my baby girl.  Cloud the meat head and Titus the toady rule the house, and Sissy lives in the bathroom cupboard, terrofied of coming out.  I've had enough, my husband to, so we've recently moved the two males to the basement.  It's a finished basement, we feed them and everything.  It's not like they're being neglected, but they are all alone down there and it's breaking my heart.  Sissy on the other hand is the happiest she's been in a long time.  She runs all over the house playing hide and seek, just like she were a kitten again.  I just don't know what to do.  I love having the old Sissy back, and I don't want her to have to go back to living in the cupboard.  But I also don't want my other cats shuned away, only to be seen when I feed them or do laundry.  Help.

PS All of them are fixed.


I am not sure this can be fixed!  When you moved, all the territorial advantages Sissy had were gone!  Being 12 years old, she is a bit geriatric and, on a level playing field, not able to compete with the younger friskier males.

I expect that, if you let the boys back up, Sissy will go back to the bathroom cupboard.  You can see if she can establish herself as the queen bee, so to speak, and let them back up after a couple of months, but I would not hold out much hope.

The fact is that the two boys do have each other and will do fine in your basement for the time being.

I wish I could give you better news, but I do not believe they will ever get along, although I could be wrong about that.  You can always try calming medications like amyltriptimine on the boys to see if you can mellow them out, but I do not see that being a permanent fix.

Good luck and best regards... Norm.