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new to breeding

20 16:45:58


I am interested in breeding cats. I am not sure where to start. I would appreciate your time in advising me on such things as choosing a breed, finding a kitten to buy, buying my own male or using a stud.

I have also read conflicting opinions on whether or not it is financially beneficial to become a cat breeder. In your experience would you say that you made money, lost money or broke even?

Thanks so much for your time,

Hi Jallison,

If you are getting into breeding cats to make money, you might want to re-think this.  I do not know of one cat breeder that actually makes money on this hobby.  Yes, it is a hobby, and a very expensive one.  The cats you sell, versus the expenses of vet bills, food bills, purchasing enough cats to get a breeding program started, expenses of stud fees (which is better than buying a male because of the spraying situation)....  the percentage of kittens lost in birthing....  there is so many expenses that you never think of until you are heavily into it.  The sales of kittens might help you get even, but it's doubtful.  I was in the business for 20 years and held down a full-time job to support this hobby.  

If money is not a concern for you, then by all means go for it.  Find a breed you like, then research it out by visiting the Cat Fanciers Association on line.  They will help you find a breeder.  Their online address is:

Be careful that you don't get mixed up with a cat breeding farm.  If in doubt, contact CFA and inquire about the specific breeder.  Responsible, honest breeders will do nothing without a contract, and will ALWAYS be concerned for the health and safety of their cats.  They would rather turn someone away than take a chance on placing their cats with someone undesireable.  But, you can kinda get a feel for people by corresponding with them for awhile.  

Good luck, and if I can be of further help, please don't hesitate to contact me again.  I am always happy to help.  