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Cat eats paper

20 16:46:12

Dear Ms. Sandstrom,
My orange-white tabby eats toilet paper.  Its very odd because he usually only eats it when I'm in the bathroom, so I don't know if he wants attention or is just playing. He puts his paws on the toilet paper and rolls it down to the floor where he eats it. Is there a way to stop this? Thanks, I appreciate your help.

He may want attention.  If they feel like they haven't had enought attention, they will do destructive things to get it.  I would start off with not allowing him in the bathroom with you while you're in there. If that doesn't work, spraying a cat detterant like feliway around the area of the toilet paper might work and eventually might stop the behavior.  But the best thing you can do in addition to the suggestions is just play with him.  My cat likes to play with q-tips. He would get it in his mouth and run through the house and hope that he doesn't eat the cotton.  He seems to be losing interest in it and istn't playing with it as much.  Maybe this is a phase your cat is going through.  Give it a try and let me know how it works.