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I Have A Female Cat Need Help


I have a female cat who keeps peeing or spraying on my husbands clothes my clothes have been next to his in laundry basket but she only seems to pee or spray his shirts i have not yet got her spayed or neutered i was just wondering why she was doing that this have happen to my husbands shirts twice and both times my clothes have been in there also have not noticed if shes doing that in some other places just noticed it twice on my husbands clothes please if you can help that would be nice thank you Ali


I would strongly suggest that you have your cat spayed. You may also want to make sure that you are not using scented kitty litter or using air freshner too close to the litter box. I would recommend a good unscented clumping kitty litter as well as adding one more litter box. I generally advise folks to have one litter box per cat plus one and to make sure they are cleaned minimum once a day. I would also make sure that the litter box is in a quiet location where it is not too noisy or busy. Cats, like humans need privacy and a quiet environment to use the washroom. While kitty is at the vet make sure that you tell them she is eliminating outside of the box, they may want to test her urine for infection. Other things to consider are: recent changes to the household, laundry detergent, fabric softner, colognes.....Cats are not fans of change and chances are if this behavior is new it may be related to a change...Unfortunately cats can't tell you that a change has upset them so they will often use urine or feces as a form of communication. It is very important that you not rub your kitty's nose in her mistakes, it is disgusting and inhumane, and cats really don't understand that kind of treatment. I would suggest that you clean any items that your cat has peed on with an enzymatic cleaner (OxyClean works well for laundry and is safe for colors)...Enzymatic cleaners can be found in pet stores for use on upholstery or other household surfaces. Enzymatic cleaners remove the scent of biological fluids such as urine, feces or vomit by using friendly bacteria to digest the smell so that it is completely gone even to a cat's sensitive nose. This is important because sometimes a cat starts eliminating in the wrong spot to communicate a problem and then continues because the scent is still there. I hope that this offers some insight to get you started helping your kitty to get back on the right track. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again.