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Two females urinating everywhere


I have two female cats one is up their in age and the other is about 3years old. My older cat has had constant trouble with worms, and recently she has started to pee on every rug I own and in my bath tub. I realized she has blood in her urine. Then I realized my other female cat started to pee on rugs to.

My questions are one could it be time to put the older cat down? Or is it something that can be fixed?
And two how do I get the other cat to stop peeing on the rugs to?

Hi Tiffany,

No it isn't time to put the older cat down. She sounds like she has a urinary track infection. You need to take her to the vet. She most likely started associating the litter box with the pain she has when she urinates. That is why she is not using the box.  Get her infection cleared up and she start using the box again. The other one is urinating in the same area as the older because her scent is there. You need to get a good enzyme urine remover and use it when cleaning those areas that they use. Just because it looks and smells clean to you doesn't mean the cats can't smell the odors. You can get these products at almost any good pet store. Once the older cats problem is clear and the rugs are cleaned all should go back to normal. Good luck and let me know what happens.

Ciao, Karen