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My cat Tigger


My cat Tigger is about 10 months old..He is kind of a rescue cat..I got him at 10 weeks old...His problem is that whenever someone comes to the door or by the window he runs and hides...He does it even if it is me coming in and he can see me through the window..There was a Autistic child where i got him from...I don't think she hurt him, but can his behavior be from that?


Without really knowing what went on in the household before you got your kitten, it is impossible to know if this behavior is normal or was a result of the child or of something else altogether.

To me, the best way to deal with the behavior is to ignore it.  Cats often do not trust there eyes to recognize others. They tend to want to get the scent before they are sure who they are dealing with. So, the fact that Tigger sees you through the window does not necessarily register.

It may take Tigger very much time to get comfortable in your home even after more than eigfht months. What I would not do is to follow Tigger to his hiding place and try to get him to come out.  If and when Tigger is ready to make an appearance he will. Any attempt by anyone in the household to try to get him to come out sooner, will only make things worse. Cats do better whjen they think a behavior is their idea. Trying to force the issue is almost always counter productive.

Best regards... Norm.