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kitten ill


My kitten is about 9 wks old. Last night she had diarrhoea and it has blood in it.  she is still eating fine, not being sick and lively and happy.  i gave her a worming pill 2 days ago and wasnt sure if she is reacting badly to it or not but i am really worried about her and all this blood?

The dewormer you gave her can most certainly cause diarrhea, especially if it was something you bought from the pet store.  There are some good dewormers on the market, but if not used properly (not necessarily the owner - sometimes they are mislabeled) then they can make pets sick.  The blood could be caused by irritation of the colon from having diarrhea, but I would definitely take her in to the vet to be looked at to make sure there is not something more serious going on.  They can also check a fecal on her to see what intestinal parasites she does have.  The medication you can buy over the counter does not take care of all the different kinds of parasites kittens can get, unfortunately.  I hope she gets better.
