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My female had a litter on...

20 16:40:17

My female had a litter on Aug 1st, and at first she was feeding them regularly but now her boobs are all scabed up and she won't stay there for more then 2 3 minutes at a time and I am not sure what to do.  I have no idea how much milk these lil guys are getting if you could respond as soon as possible with any advice it would be greatly appreciated.

10 oz of evaporated milk, 1 tablespoon dark corn syrup and 1 egg YOLK (no whites!!) shake well and keep in the frige.

if the babies can drink from a bowl just let them have as much as they want. if not, you will need to go buy some baby ANIMAL bottles  from the local pet store or walmart and hand feed them. they will push the bottle away when they are full.

good luck