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Can cats eat bologna?  I fed a little bit to my two kittens and they're going crazy, bouncing off the walls....and chasing imaginary mice.  What human foods are toxic to cats?

Nope, bologna is OUT. It contains pork and cats and dogs should not eat pork. Never feed your cat or dog chocolate, alcohol, onions, pork (including bacon), raw fish, raw eggs, milk or bones. Also do not feed your cat dog food. Cats require five times more protein than dogs do, so dog food will not meet cats' nutritional needs. Avoid feeding your cat a vegetarian diet for the same reason. Limit tuna because of the mercury levels in it.  Liver is OK in moderation but not at all if you're giving your cat vitamin A supplements. Overdoses of vitamin A can be toxic. Also be careful of house plants; many are toxic to animals and cats love to munch plants. To be safe do not allow your pet to get at any of your house plants.