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cats weight


hello, i apologise for the lack of capitalization and any minor spelling errors, but my finger is in a splint right now due to a sprain.  i have an 8 year old cat, in good health apart from the fact that she is overweight.  i made the mistake of filling her bowl to the top, and letting her pick all day.  this was because i never knew when id be home to put more food down, etc.  now that i am not working and am home more, i have noticed her behaviour a lot more.  i would put her weight at about 12-15 pounds although that might be a slight overstatement.

i notice that she does not run or play, she is an "indoor" cat.  i am concerned for her, and would like her to live a long, healthy life.  i have reduced to giving her 3/4 cup in the morning and another 3/4 in the evening.  is there anything else i can do?

Hey !

Sorry to hear that you finger is in a splint.

You should never feed a cat just dry food as this can sometimes be a problem in some cats. Cats produce a sticky substance in their urine that is associated with lower urinary tract complications. This substance captures urinary crystals causing partial or complete blockage to passing urine and the cause is feeding only dry foods. I have a plan that may help your cat and his diet.

In the morning feed your cat 3/4 of dry food. Then in the evening feed your cat 1 can of Friskies cat food, that way he's on a diet and the same time reducing his dry food intake since dry food has a lot of nutrition in it which can be dangerous as I mentioned above. See how this works and then I want a follow up from you on how he is doing with his weight problem.

Too help him exercise get a rubber plastic mouse and use some thread and put it around the mouse and tie it as many times as you can. Make sure you have a long piece of thread or clear string so your cat wont realize that you're the one pulling the mouse. Anyway's put the mouse in his face while he's laying on the couch or wherever and drag it down from the couch or wherever and move about the floor as if it was a real mouse running into its mouse hole if your cat doesn't get up and stalk and chase it than he really is lazy and you might start having to introduce him to the harness and take him for daily walks around your front yard. Hope I helped if you need any more help you know where to find me.