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Incessant meowing.


I rescued an abandoned Siamese. She's very good natured and was quiet the first few months I had her. She was pregnant when I found her, and since giving birth, she's started meowing constantly.

At first I thought it was the labor pains, then I thought it was a feeding issue. But it still goes on. She will stand outside her nest and meow at her kitten. I thought maybe he was injured, but he seems fine.

I know that it isn't good to handle 3 week old kittens, but when I hold him, she's quiet and will sit on my lap or near by and even sleep often times. The problem with that is, I can't hold him forever.

What could be the reason for this behavior and what can I do to calm her?

Hi Todd,

Welcome to the world of Siamese cats. They are known to be talkers. You can handle the kitten now with no problem. The mom feels safe with you. That's why she's quiet when you handle her kitten. In fact,about the only way to keep them quiet is to handle them or keep them nearby. There really isn't too much you can do except to enjoy that you have a pet who is taking the time to tell you how there day has been. Good luck with your new family.

Ciao, Karen