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introducing cats to a neutral home


Hello Kate,  
I'm sure this question is asked a lot, and there is a lot of advice online regarding this issue, but I can't seem to find anything specific to my situation.  My boyfriend and I are moving in together and both have indoor cats that are very friendly.  His cat has spent time with other cats before, and my cat spent the first 7 months of her life living in a vets office with several animals and has recently interacted with dogs.  We are moving in together into a neutral home where neither cat has ever lived and I am wondering the best way to introduce them.  Unfortunately the place is not very large, so keeping each cat in a "safe room" away from the other for a long period of time is not the most realistic approach for us.  Are there any other methods of introducing cats that might work?

Thanks for your time!

I'm afraid that the only way to introduce cats to each other is to do it slowly with gradual exposure to each other. This will ensure that they are more likely to get on in the long run. Other wise there can be fights etc.
I have written a specific page about introducing cats to each other here

I hope it helps:)

best wishes