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Someone elses cat pee


we have a large neutered female cat (shes almost the size of a male) whos around 5. There was no problems until around 8-9 months ago when all of a sudden unneutered males started harrassing our cat. We thought it maybe because she looks like a male but thats not the problem. They began to claim her territory as theirs. It started as the road outside our house, then our front guarden followed by the back. At this point we chased them away but one large white one is very persistant and only comes around when we are all at work/college. He is now entering the house and peeing everywhere. He has just peed on our brand new dry-clean only curtains (they went up the morning before he peed on them). We can't find the owners and don't know what to do. At this rate we're washing a different piece of furniture every week and my cat is scared half to death. Help please!

Lock your cat in and the other cat out. You must cease letting this cat have access to your home and your cat.

I recommend getting a raccoon size humane trap, or a few of them, and setting cat food inside. Trap the cats, take them to a shelter, and then you may begin to let your cat have access to the outside once more.

Defend your house, and your kitty, from those bully toms!