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getting cat in house


My grandfather recently passed away.   He had a cat that really only liked him.  He was scared of pretty much everyone else.  The problem is that he is outside now (he has previously been an indoor cat) and we cannot get him back inside.  We continue to feed him, but when we arrive at the house he hides under the porch where we can't get him.  Do you have any suggestions for how we can get him into the house?

Hi Katie,

I am sorry to hear of your grandfathers' passing. I am sure he would be happy to know you are continuing to take care of his special cat as best you can. Your best bet for catching him may be to use a humane trap - you can often borrow one from the humane society or a local rescue group. Call your local humane society and ask, or find a feral cat rescue group near you in this list:

Here are tips and instructions on safe and effective trapping:

In the meantime continue putting out food and water for the cat and produce him with a warm shelter - many pet stores sell outdoor heated pads or you can just put a box of straw out for him. Nights are getting cold in most areas of the country!

If he comes close but just out of reach, you may also be able to catch him by throwing a quilt over him and gathering it up. It takes some co-ordination to do it right, but if you think you can be successful give it a try. The disadvantage is that if you fail he might be even more scared of you afterwards.

I think you will find that once back inside, your grandpa's cat may warm up to you in time. Cats grieve for lost family and friends too, and the cat may feel lost and lonely without his familiar friend. In time he will want a new friend.