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My female Ebony has been with me 6 years and was spayed early on....she has recently started "wetting" on the carpet and has been acting abnormal...not sick, just different.  She has become very chatty, more than normal, and she has been clingy.  She is an indoor cat and only goes on a leash on the deck, but recently she has also encountered a few other cats in the neighborhood on the deck.  I called the vet, and they said that she is not in heat, but I have no clue as to possibilities since she has never done this before.  Thanks for your response...I really have no clue.


It is possible she is marking her territory because of the encounter with the strange new cats. It is also possible she has a urinary tract infection which would also cause inappropriate wetting.  I would still have her checked out by your vet.

BTW, does anyone in your household use estrogen cream?  I have heard of spayed cats licking this and coming into season.

Also, here is a link on a series of articles about litter pan problems which may give you some additional clues:

Please let me know what you find out.

Best regards... Norm.