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Watery Red Vaginal Discharge in a 5 1/2 month Pregnant Cat


I rescue an Kitten that I believe is about 8 months old. She is pregnant and was when I rescued her. She is having a very small amount of watery red vaginal discharges and I am wondering if this is normal. She is fine in all other ways, as far as eating, drinking, going to the potty, sleeping and she still plays. Also, I wanted to ask what her teets should look like this far in pregnancy. Hers are not big or filling up or does that happen closer to her giving birth?  

Hi Leslie,

It could be your cat may be ready to give birth. Since you don't know when she got pregnant this might be the case. Here's a good link that describes what may be happening.

It also could be a condition that is dangerous to cats. It could be an infection of the uterus. A trip to the vet is warranted. It is always better to have your vet check the cat over. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen