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Toilet Training your Cat


My friend let me borrow a book about toilet training a cat, it has about 28 steps, and eventually the cat will learn to use the toilet, eliminating the need of a litter box. Cici, my small (about 7-8 lbs) female cat only has three legs, she is missing her front leg. Do you think it would be possible for her learn and balance on the toilet? I would like to try training her, but I dont know how stable she will be, I also dont want her to be discouraged.  

Hi Misty.  I have no doubt Cici CAN learn to use the toilet despite her missing leg.  My specialty is dealing with special needs kitties.  I have a few with deformed or missing legs, and they are almost as agile as any other cat.  It may take them extra time, but they learn to get around like perfectly normal cats.

However, not all cats WILL learn to use the toilet.  It depends on the individual cat.  I have several cats that I attempted to toilet train years ago.  A few of them did take to the toilet, but most of them did not.  So it's important to keep an open mind and listen to what she tells you.

Also, if she does toilet train, keep a couple things in mind.  Elimination is a very important part of monitoring Cici's health.  It will be difficult for you to tell if she's urinating excessively, which can indicate kidney failure and diabetes.  It will be difficult to tell if she has any blood in her urine or stool.  It will be difficult to tell if she's passing small amounts of urine, which is a symptom of urinary tract infection or stones.  So just be sure to be very tuned into her toilet habits.

Good luck!