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Spayed kitty???


QUESTION: I have two totally indoor kitties.  Sadie is almost 5 years old and Olivia is about 3 years old.  Both were spayed once they hit about 7 or so months of age.  Sadie is fine, but all of a sudden, Olivia is acting like she's in heat!  None of the incessant yowling yet, but she seems headed that direction.  Why would a cat do this if they have been spayed for over two years now?
ANSWER: Hi Julie.  Honestly, you have me stumped!  I can take a guess that it could be because it's the change of seasons and that is normally when an animal would go into heat or into their season... but since she has been spayed, that's a tough one.  Hmmm... The only thing I can suggest is to watch her behavior.  It's obvious that she won't get pregnant since she has been spayed, but if the behavior concerns you, then give your vet a quick call.  If she starts urinating or marking territory, then that would be something that you'll want to nip in the bud before it gets out of hand.  If it's just the rolling around and stuff like that, it's annoying for uys, sure, but it's not going to do her any harm.  Check with your vet if you get really concerned, and then let me know what they say!  I'd be interested to hear what's up with your kitty!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for giving it a's a little more info...she's been pointing her rump toward me with her tail straight up in the air and then her tail does a little wiggle at the tip like many male cats do when they're spraying!  It's so freaky!  Anyway, I'll let you know what I find out.  Thanks again!
ANSWER: My cats do that all the time.  When they do that, it's because they want you to scratch that little tiny bit that's right above their tail...(basically where their butt meets their back (right above the base of their tail).  You scratch that little teeny patch of fur and your cat will be on cloud nine.  Try that out...

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I've always wondered, is that some place they just can't reach to scratch on their own?  Is that why they do that?  LOL   Cats seem so totally agile when doing their "self cleaning" routine...seems like they'd be able to scratch that particular itch on their own as well...LOL....Anyway, I did try that and she darn near bit my hand off!  I didn't scratch hard either...just very gently for a few seconds.  I have always done that with both my cats and yep, they love it, but this time Olivia tried to chomp down on me then flopped over and grabbed my hand with her front claws and did that evil and very painful "rabbit foot" thing on my hand with her back claws.  She has NEVER done that before...never, ever once has she even attempted to bite me since I've had her as a teeny kitten!  Anyway, I never ever hit any animals for any reason...I just yelled "NO" at her and she let go of my hand and trotted off.  You're right...I have to call the vet or something in the morning.  She's acting really freaky the past couple of days!  

Yes, that's the one place on their bodies that they can not reach, so USUALLY, unless you have a weird cat (which I think you might - lol *no worries, I have 6 weird ones!) they usually DO like being scratched there!  
I usually call that move the kangaroo kick... and I agree - it is MOST painful... even when they're just playing around (which they usually are when they do that - they just don't realize that their back claws digging into mummy's flesh isn't what I would call a nice cuddle).

Let me know how Olivia's doing... and for sure - call the vet just to check.  It never hurts to do that (and the phone call is free!)