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cat and kitten


I have a male cat 7-9 mo. old and I have gotten a a male kitten maybe 6-7 weeks.

my older cat keeps biting the younger on the neck and pinning him down and trying to for lack of better terms "rape" the younger.

We knew that it would take some getting used to but we didnt think that he would do this to a male kitten...
Why's he doing this and what should I do to help felix get over his jealousy and be able to get along with the kitten?

We caught them playing once but now it just seems to be time  to torture the kitten...

please help?!?!?

Hi Kelsey

7 weeks is pretty small- I suspect the older kitty thinks of the younger kitty as 'prey' or a toy.

Make sure that Felix knows he is still top cat in the house, but also try to protect the new little guy. Don't hit Felix if he is bad, but do praise him and give him treats when he is good. If you punish him when he mistreats the kitten, he won't understand the punishment, and may mistreat kitten even more.

I would try to keep them separated till kitten gets a little older and a little bigger (maybe a couple of weeks? If you have the room to keep them separated?) then reintroduce.

Good luck, I hope they end up being good friends soon!