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Cat lost tooth


Hello, I have a female cat and she is 14 years old. She is in perfect health, but recently I noticed that one of the sharp teeth in front (fangs) is gone. I don't know when or how she lost it. Is this normal? I didn't know that adult cats could lose teeth. Thanks for reply.


At age 14, your cat is considered geriatric.  Thus, it is not surprising that she would lose teeth (just like geriatric people).  However, it is not usual to lose the canine teeth up front (but not unheard of).  She should be having annual veterinary check ups once she reaches the age of 10 or beyond.  Part of these check ups is to do a dental work up.  I would have her checked out by your vet to make sure there are no other problems.

If any of the teeth have a cavity (neck lesion), I would have your vet pull the tooth.  Of course at age 14, the vet will probably want to run a blood panel to make sure they were using the correct anaesthetic on the cat.

Best regards... Norm.