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kitten terrorizes older disabled cat

20 16:44:04

I have a 4 month old kitten (male) named Buddy.  I also have a 4 year old cat (male) named Sparky.  Buddy loves to play with Sparky, and Sparky is a docile cat that tolerates a lot.  But Sparky has bad knees, has had surgury and cant really run or defend himself.  When play gets too rough he merely starts to cry and whine and if he can get the kitten off his head without me he will hide and is even chased away from the food.  I tried consistant NOs, distracting with toys, temporary separations but this kitten just loves to chew on Sparky!  Any ideas to get the message through to the kitten to ease up?

Hi Alysson,

Just constantly supervise the two of them and don't let Buddy terrorize Sparky.  If you have to leave them alone, always separate them while you are gone.  And if you have to, feed Sparky in a separate room.  It is awful to be constantly intimidated like that.  The kitten will eventually outgrow it, hopefully, but in the meantime, do your best to stop the behavior by keeping very close watch and not allowing Buddy to do it.  Good luck.  Hugs, Barb