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litten pan smells?


Hello, I wnat to get a kitten I'm a dog persona nd have three dogs I'm sure they will be fine with a kitten they were fine with other small pets like rabbits and guinea pigs and even a petbird. my only concern is litter pan smells...I am wondering if its a standard sized pan with regular gravel typed litter and scooped twice daily and changed every three days will it be a big stink?

First, I would use scoopable litter.  That is best for keeping the smell down.  Scooping twice a day and just add the new litter when the old litter gets low is fine.  With scoopable litter you don't have to change it if you scoop twice a day.  There will be literally no smell.  You might want to keep the litter pan well away from the dogs though, otherwise you may not have to scoop the litter at all, if you catch my drift.  :)  You will have to keep it where the kitten can easily find it though because until the kitten gets older, they tend to forget where it is.  Good luck.
