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Kitten Feeding


Hi!  My cat Nessa just had three adorable kittens.  I would like to know what I can do to encourage them to feed.  She has very long hair and someone told me I should trim it around the nipples to make it easier for the kittens.  I would like to know what you think about this before I do it.  So far two of them seem to eating okay, but the third seems to be having a hard time finding them.  Thank you for any help you can give me.  I really appreciate it!

Hi Billy,

Yes, you can very carefully trim the hair for her. It will make it easier for the kittens. Also feed Nessa kitten food. Something like Purina One Kitten food. This will give her the higher nutritional diet she needs for nursing.Good luck with your new family and write back if you have any more questions.

Ciao, Karen