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Cat eating human food


I have two pure bred himalayan cats.  My female cat is a wonderful cat; she stays out of trouble and will patiently await treats.  My male cat, on the other hand eats everything.  He is fed twice a day like my other cat, yet he constantly gets into human food.  He has been known to get into pizza boxes and eat two or three slices.  He eats vegetables, chocolate, fruit, sauces, and even garlic!!!  He never gets diarrehea from it, but I know that this can not be healthy for him.  When we go to bed at night, he waits until we fall asleep and sneaks into the kitchen looking for food.  He has even gotten into our cabinets.  What can I do to make him stop this habit; I have tried discipline, yet he continues to do so.  Also, are there any side effects to his irregular eating habit?

Hi Sara!
I'm sorry, but I had to laugh when I read this.  I can just imagine him sneaking into the kitchen on the prowl for some cheetos or such!  LOL   You're right , though, it's not healthy for him to eat human food.  (although a little ever now and then won't hurt).  Is there a door on your kitchen? If so, then simply close it.  But I have a feeling there is no door or you would have done that! LOL   You could get child proof locks for the cabinets, that might keep him out of them. The only other thing I can think of, is to use a spray bottle and if you see him getting into something he shouldn't , spray him!  I have learned a long time ago to not leave any food out!  If we are eating int the living room watching a movie, we put stuff like pizza in the microwave to keep the cats out of it!  My cats would also LOVE to eat a piece of pizza.  Try to remember to put up any food that is not being eaten at the moment.  If you get in the habit of this, it will probably help.
God Bless,