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6 Month old Female cat bleeding and peeing



I have a 6 month old cat (approximately) that I found being tortured by neighbor kids. Lately she has been peeing little drops whenever laying down or sitting and totally peed fully on my bed once. In the last couple of days I've also noticed that she has drops of blood coming out where she lays on her cat house. I'm a little worried and can't afford another vet bill right now. Could you tell me what this could be? She also seems more tired (less energy). not as playful. We've had lots of issues with her (mostly diarhea) and have recently switched to Akana pet food but she still has very soft wet poo. Thank you for any help you can give.

ANSWER: Hi Kalina,

Is this kitty spayed yet?  If not, it sounds possible that she could be having reproductive problems of some sort.  It doesn't sound like a normal heat, as most cats don't produce noticeable blood and aren't generally lethargic.  But infections and abnormal bleeding are possible.  Otherwise, urinary tract infections or fecal incontinence from chronic diarrhea are possibilities.  In all of these cases, it's really important for the kitty to get some vet care.  Any of these conditions can be deadly if not treated promptly.  Some vets will offer you a payment plan if you explain your situation, and many areas even have funds set up for those who are unable to pay for veterinary care.

Best of luck!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: How do I find out about the funds for people who are unable to pay? Do I just ask my vet?

No, she is not spayed yet. Most vets won't until they're 6 months (at least around here) and it costs a lot of money. We've debated about taking her to the animal shelter but we really would love to keep her.

Yes, in my area, there are several charities that are set up.  Some of them are set aside for certain causes, such as spay/neuter, or cancer patients, and some are set aside for clients with financial hardships, etc.  But the veterinarians are given applications for their clients to fill out.  If there are any funds or charities in your area, your vet should know about them.  Talk to your vet about your situation and ask if there happens to be any help available to you.  I think it's great that you'll do what's best for your kitty, even if it means having to give her up.

Best wishes!
