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my cat isnt growing...


i have small abyssinian kitten and it's been 1 month she has'nt grown much she is still small though she eats properly and is very very playfull i have two more cats of different breeds they are fine but i don't understand what is her problem?is this normal in this cat breed?

Hi Alia,

Well first and foremost, if you are that concerned, you should have her seen by a vet.  Only a vet can do a proper evaluation to tell you whether or not she has a genetic condition or dietary deficiency.  I just went through this with one of my fosters, and it turned out her metabolism was so high, I had to increase her feeding amount by  almost double.  How old is your kitten, what are you feeding her, how much and how often do you feed her?  Has she been seen by a vet?  Had vaccinations or dewormer?  I can offer you guidance, but no definitive answer.  As I said, if you are that concerned and/or she hasn't been seen by a vet yet, make an appointment as soon as possible.

Best regards,

Holly Martin
Cat Care/Behavior Counselor
Texas A&M University
Animal Science B.S.