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mommy to be....


i know you do not specify in labors and all. but everyone that DOES is not available. i feel weird asking, because i have dealt with kitten births atleast 22 times.... so far. But my current queen should be in labour, i believe. she has gone through the eating all the time, the "cant walk more than 2 steps" and now she wont eat. she went through the nesting, and her nipples have been producing milk for 3 days now. Now, she will not leave my room, lays in the middle of the floor, and acts almost depressed. i have NEVER seen this behavior with a pregnant cat before. i think something might be wrong, that she is having problems or something. do you agree, or am i just freaking out over nothing?

Dear Kat
it is impossible to say as all cats behave differently during this time. i would however worry if she has stopped eatingh for a few days and in my opnion if i realyy thought something might be wrong i would get her looked at by a vet to be on the safe side and to put your mind at rest. If something si wrong then he can help her and you did the right thing, if nothing is wrong and she is just taking along time to give birth then at the very least you have cared for your cat and can stop worrying.

I hope all is well and that you will soon have some kittens running around.

All my vest wishes