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cat acting crazy at night


One of my cats has been going nuts at night. He was doing all sorts of stuff that he knew he wasn't supposed to. He climbed up some forbidden surfaces, which we sprayed him with water, but he kept coming back. He also kept stabbing us in our legs/feet while we were sleeping. He had been very good at night previously, where he mostly slept through the night in our bed. Now all these craziness is causing us to lose sleep, but we don't want to lock the cats out of the bedroom because the other cat is behaving fine. We tried to play with him quite a bit before we go to sleep to try to tired him out. Still, he went total nutso when we go to bed. Please help! Thanks!
BTW he had been neutered already...


We call that kitty crazies in our house. Most cats will become rambunctious at certain times of day. You can try to play him out by using toys like teases or kitten mittens. The neutering may or may not have anything to do with the kitty crazies so if you are concerned, you would be well advised to consult your vet. I know that you don't want to lock the loopy kitty out at night because you are worried that it will upset the other well behaved kitty. If your other kitty routinely sleeps with you you can put kitty amenities in the bedroom and shut the door until your more nutty kitty learns that when he behaves badly he loses access to the humans that he loves, you should see a change in his behavior if you do that every time that he has been warned about acting up. If you find a good solution to nutty kitties spazzing out at 3 am, I think that every cat owner would love to hear it as we all have to deal with that occasionally. I do think that your kitty should soon outgrow the night time play time, but he could be 2-3 when it happens depending on his age and energy levels. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again.