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Cat (sick)


Hi, i have a 7 year old cat hes an outdoor and indoor cat, but me and my family came across a big lump on the said of him and when you touch it he meows and make crazy noises but when your not touching it he is fine. when you move all the fur out of the way to look at it it looks like a big reddish pinkish lump and its disgusting and i don't know what to do rite now.

Hi Laquan, Well your cat will need to see a vet to have a proper diagnosis on this. It will be one of two things :
#1 A cancerous growth or #2 a non cancerous growth
As far as non cancerous growths there are many types. It could be anything from a fat tumor to an abscess.
You need to get him to a vet and make sure it is #2 !