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cat for baby/toddler?


my husband and i both love cats but we had to put ours down just before our baby was born.  we want to get a cat that our baby/toddler will be safe with and that the cat will remain safe and happy.  our little girl is a very active 18 months.  We have looked at the local pet shops and she never seems to take to the little kittens but likes the ones that are about 6 months and up.  What is the best breed for such an active child?


Cats can get along well with babies, but kittens and babies can be a deadly combination for the kitten as the kitten may not have the good sense to get out of the baby's way.  Babies really do not understand a kitten or a cat is not just another play toy, but a living, breathing creature.  Also, if a baby corners a cat and is inadvertently hurting it or threatening it, the baby (or toddler) is going to get scratched, which is the cat's natural defense.

So, you need a breed that is, for the most sense fairly laid back, but smart enough to evade the baby if it appears to be trying to corner the cat.  I would say an adult, about a year old, so it still has some kittenish tendencies, may fit the bill.  My first take would be something like an American Shorthair or a Maine Coon, both native American breeds, one short hair and the other long hair, but with some substance and fairly tolerant of kids.

Other shorthair breeds to consider might be British Shorthair, Manx, American Bobtail, Ocicat.  Other longhair breeds to consider might be Ragdoll, Birman, Norwegian Forest cat, American Bobtail.   You can get information on the personalities of all these breeds of domestic cat by looking in your local public library for "The Cat Fanciers' Association Complete Cat Book", edited by Mordecai Siegal, published by Harper Collins.

I would also warn the breeder from whom you might get such a cat that you do have a baby.

In general, we do not recommend kittens until the child is at least 7 - 8 years old, and understands the kitten must be played with gently!

Cats, by the way, will bond with people at any age!!!!!

Best regards... Norm.