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tom cat roaming


hi there
i have an 8month old kitten called arther who i have started to let out on an evening when there is less traffic etc, but he keeps taking off and getting lost, i had him castrated last week and thought this would sort the problem, then last night a lady brought him to the door he had gone down the high street and gone in the pub, i just dont know what to do with him have you any suggestions please.

try keeping him inside for a couple of weeks until he has had a chance to calm down a little more and also to reaffirm where his territory is. After this time perhaps only let him out for a short while with you in the garden, perhaps you could play a game with him and place some treats around the garden.

If all else fails you have to either make the decision to let him roam but make sure he has a reflective collar on and a name tag just in case he does roam further. Or to keep him in permanently. However you may have a very unhappy cat on your hands if you stop letting him out permanently.

All i can say is try what i have suggested and hopefully the castration will calm him down further once his hormones levels have dropped.

best wishes
