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Toilet training - feline behaviour


Dear Norman

We have 4 kittens that are now about 6 months old. They have going out for a couple of months now after having their injections.

However a couple of them, still, if given half the chance will go to the toilet indoors.

I now don't let them in to the main room in the morning because one of them always makes a beeline for the dining room and wees there.

I always thought cats were clean animals and I find it strange that they have the run of the world all night but wait until the morning to do their business.

I went back to providing a litter tray because I couldn't 100% trust them.

Is there something else I should be doing, or is it just a case of their still just needing to grow up a bit before I can expect 100% clean behaviour.

Thanks for listening!


Barry Kilduff


Kittens tend to go where their mamas train them to go.

However, there are two things to keep in mind.  (1)  Kittens do forget themselves every so often and (2) at 6 months of age, these kittens are probably just getting into puberty and so hormones are getting in the way of properly taught bathroom habits.  If they have not been neutered/spayed, now is a good time to do that!!!!!

Also, if a kitten has gone somewhere they should not, you need to clean that spot thoroughly with an enzyme based cleaner particularly formulated for pet odors and stains (available at most pet supermarkets).

I would continue to provide a litter tray so they have somewhere to go if circumstances find them needing to go NOW and they are not outside!!!!!

If you are interested, there is a good article on house soiling amongst cats, but it is really aimed more at the owner of indoor cats.

Bestregards... Norm.