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My indoor cats keep getting worms.


Hi I have 4 indoor only cats They have all been brought in as strays over a 4 year period, about 1 new kitty a year. It seems like we get fleas and worms every year. They are indoor cats only, I am very strict with keeping them inside. The fleas I can understand, I either bring them in on myself or just didn't get rid of them as good as I thought I did the year before, (I have to be a little careful with my Main Coon and flea products, he has very sensitive skin) So I start treating them with Advantage as soon as the weather starts turning warm. The worms I do not get, Every year one of them hacks up a hair ball, I go to clean it up and find these long really gross worms. I treat them all for worms but where do they keep getting them? They don't eat people food, I use a mixture of an indoor cat food and a kitten food both dry (the baby is 7 months old the oldest is 6). After the pet food recalls I have been scared to feed wet food so they haven't had any at all this year. I just don't get where these worms are coming from. Help Please.

Hi Stacy,

Cats like yours usually get worms from flea bites. I think what is happening is that their are fleas somewhere that are reinfecting the cats. I would start the flea medicine a little earlier than you do now. Maybe a month or so earlier. Also when you vacuum place a flea collar in the vacuum bag. When it sucks up any fleas or eggs this will kill them. Try these two things and see what happens. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen