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male cat behavior


i adopted a kitten 1 1\2 years ago.  in the last six months he has started to knead up and down with his hind legs and meows and purrs.  if you touch him, he will make a rather loud meow.  it appears to be some type of agressive sexual behavior.  he has been altered.  he will also do this on a person's leg if they are in bed.  sometimes, he does not do anything for a week and then he gets worse and does this behavior many times a day.  any ideas?


You may want to take this kitty to the vet just to rule out any medical reason for this behavior change. If there is no medical explanation it may be a dominance issue. I don't think that the rear paw kneading on the floor is an issue, but I really don't think that I would allow it on people in the home or other pets. If this is a dominant behavior then you seem to have caught it within a reasonable amount of time. I would suggest that you and other members of your household as well as any guests gently place him on the floor, followed by a firm NO! every time that he starts this behavior. If you have done this 3-4 times and he still won't quit it then you will want to place him in a room by himself for 10 minutes or so. You will be repeating this process a fair bit at first, but your kitty will eventually get the message and when he wants to be cuddly and cute he will jump up to see you and lay down or sit down just like the good little kitty he really is. I don't think that this is a situation that requires drastic intervention in the form of drugs or expensive products. This may take a few weeks to work with him and turn around, because as you mention this is something that took 6 months to develop. Ignoring the cat will usually turn the annoying behaviors around simply because your cat wants to hang out with you, if you put him on the floor 3-4 times and then in a room by himself he is not getting the result he wants. This is a similar technique to the one that mother cats use to wean their kittens. I hope that this is a helpful starting point. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again.