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My cat is growling/hissing at my hands


I have a two year old cat named Theo. He's always been kind of a weird cat; he'll suddenly go sprinting around the house, stares at nothing, and loves to be around people but doesn't like being petted. He's awesome though, and we really love him.

However, today he's been acting really strangely, clutching this little toy ball he loves and growling/hissing at the air. Today he jumped on the bed with it, and as I was typing on the computer began staring at my hands, and then started growling and hissing, continuing to stare at my hands. When I kept them still, he would slowly stop. This has happened a couple of times, and the growling/hissing at the air with the ball in his mouth has been almost constant.

So-- is he okay, like health-wise? We haven't left him alone or anything like that lately, so I don't think he's been traumatized or anything. We did just move to a new apartment, but that was almost three weeks ago and this just started now. I read that if cats see another cat out their window that this can happen-- is that true? What, if anything, should I do?

Sorry for the long question!

Hi Liat,

First off a trip to the vet would be in order. Make sure he has a clean bill of health. He sounds like he is mad about something. It could be he is still stressed out by the move. The ball is a comfort item to him. Try using some Feliway spray. This might help him relax somewhat.

Seeing another animal outside plus the move could set him off. Make sure he can't see outside for a while. For whatever reason he is associating your hands with his upset. You are going to have to retrain him from that. Treats are always a good start. Giving him treats will help him associate you and your hands with good things. See how he is after a week or two with the treats and the Feliway. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen