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Skin problem


Our 10 year old female moggy has scabs on her back. They do not cause her any problems, are not itchy, no hair loss and she does not have any other symptoms. I have checked for fleas and cannot see any evidence that they are present. Any suggestions?

It could be environmental allergies, food allergies, flea allergies (one bite can cause a breakout), mange, bacterial infections, fungal infections, dry skin due to weather or protein loss, or auto immune disease.  You can try feeding a chicken and rice formula food, since most food allergies are to corn, wheat, fish or beef.  And I recommend to use Revolution if she goes outside at all.  This is a flea and mite preventative and treatment available with a prescription only (at least in the U.S., it maybe be different in the U.K.).  Second best would be Frontline or Advantage, in my opinion, which treat for fleas, but not mites.  Also running an air filter may help in the case of environmental allergies.

Beyond that, however, there is not much you can do.  Many of the problems mentioned need to be treated with prescriptions, so a vet visit is best.